
21st April 2022

Patients at TUH feel benefit of Soothing Sounds live music programme

Programme aims to keep in tune with patient’s wellbeing

19th April 2022

Memory Clinic in TUH Secures Long Term Funding

Unique National Intellectual Disability Memory Service is one of only a very small number of these clinic types internationally

9th March 2022

TUH Secures Funds to Develop a Cutting Edge New Smartphone App

Ground-breaking new digital tool will be the first-ever to help those suffering from chronic pancreatitis

16th March 2022

Female Consultant at TUH urges women not to shy away from becoming surgeons

Amy Gillis says it is possible to combine a career in surgery with family life To mark international women’s day TUH releases tw...

15th November 2021

Outpatient & Emergency Care Unit at Children’s Health Ireland at Tallaght opens today

17,000 outpatient appointments and 30,000 emergency care attendances to be facilitated. New facility is next step towards new chi...

6th October 2021

TUH to Cut Carbon Emissions with a New Energy Performance Contract

Partnership with Centrica Business Solutions will deliver savings on the energy budget & reduce the carbon footprint of the Hospi...