Sometimes in hospital things don’t go as well as you would like them to. We would like to know about it so that we can endeavour to put matters right. There are several ways you can help us to do so.
If you are an outpatient:
Please ask the staff at the registration area to put you in touch with the relevant person to speak to with in regard to your issue.
If you are an inpatient or visitor:
Please raise your concern or issue with the Clinical Nurse Manager or nurse in charge. They will listen to you and try to take relevant actions to provide assistance at a local level.
If you would rather speak with someone outside of the department:
Please contact our Patient Advice & Liaison Service staff by phone or email who will try to help you resolve the issue at a local level without having to make a formal complaint by engaging on your behalf with our hospital colleagues.
If you would rather speak with an independent advocate:
You can contact the relevant national independent advocacy services our Patient Advice & Liaison staff will fully engage with all outside agencies as required.
If you had a good experience:
If you had a good experience here in the hospital we would love to hear about it. We would like to pass on the positive feedback to the staff who cared for you during your time. Please send your feedback to pals@tuh.ie